Liam Wilson - DIY

DIY Projects

Liam and his wife enjoy a good DIY project and will generally opt to DIY something rather than buying it or paying someone to do it unless it requires skills beyond there capabilities.

Liam enjoys the process of working on problems and solving them with the help of his wife they design, plan and execute the DIY projects and have fun working togeather.

This page will detail the DIY projects Liam and Kirsty have undertaken with the most recent at the top

Liam's office in the garage

Due to Kirsty wanting to start a childminding business from there home and Liam working mostly from home these days they desided when buying the house that the garage would have an office space created inside it for Liam to work from.

This project is still underway but has started off well.

The timber for the office space layed on the ground in a square around showing the space that will be taken up Work benches with wood clamped ready for sawing A wood frame with studs but no nogs A wood frame with nogs at the top A wood frame with nogs at top and bottom

Bath to Shower

Liam and Kirsty had a bath in there bathroom but it was a bit thin to have a nice relaxing bath and not easy to stand in for having a shower.

As they are both showering kind of people they have decided to conver there bath with a shower into a propper shower.

This project is still underway they are in the last parts of this project.

As part of doing this work Kirst and Liam had to do the follwoing:

  • Remove the tiles form the walls and the bath saround
  • Build a timber frame to bring the shower forward that the bath was hidnig a triangle that is the cieling to the stairs in the house
  • Replum the water so that the shower valve and hose are in the new wall
  • Put up new shower walls
  • Fit and put down a shwoer traay on a frame to make it level
A picture of before just the bath part A picture of before just the shower part A picture of before just the bath part a different angle
A picture of before just the bath part A picture of before just the shower part A picture of before just the bath part a different angle A picture of before just the bath part a different angle A picture of before just the bath part a different angle